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12 Essential Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Direct Mail Company
May 30, 2023

The decision to integrate direct mail into your marketing strategy is not one to be taken lightly. In an era dominated by digital advertising, the use of tangible mail can seem paradoxically archaic and innovative. However, it's not simply the means of communication that matters - it's the partner you select to manage this crucial cog in your marketing machine. In order to procure the optimal direct mail company, it is imperative to pose the correct queries prior to establishing a partnership. Herein, we'll delve into 12 essential questions you must ask yourself before signing any contract.

  • How Comprehensive is Their Data?

The foundation of any successful direct mail campaign is data. The efficacy of your campaign is directly proportional to the quality of the recipient list. Inquire about the company's data sources; do they curate from reliable third-party suppliers or do they generate their own data? Furthermore, how do they ensure the validity and recentness of this data?

  • How Well Do They Understand Your Target Audience?

Your target audience is not merely a demographic statistic. It's a living, breathing entity with fluid desires and behaviors. Does the company comprehend the nuances of your target market? Do they have experience with similar clients or industries?

  • What is Their Printing Capability?

Speed and quality are paramount when it comes to printing. The company must be able to handle high-volume print runs without jeopardizing quality. Do they have state-of-the-art printing technology, or are they reliant on outdated machinery?

  • How Do They Handle Personalization?

The effectiveness of direct mail is amplified by personalization. Your direct mail company should have robust capabilities to personalize your communication, including variable data printing that customizes each piece of mail based on the recipient's information.

  • How Versatile Are Their Formats?

Does the direct mail company offer a range of formats like postcards, catalogues, brochures, or letters? The medium must align with the message, and a company with limited formats will struggle to convey your unique selling proposition effectively.

  • How Timely Are Their Deliveries?

The timing and frequency of direct mail can dramatically affect its impact. Delays or scheduling mix-ups can distort your messaging and fray customer relationships. The company's ability to adhere to strict timelines is a crucial factor.

  • How Transparent Are Their Pricing Structures?

Look for companies with transparent, itemized pricing that reflects the true cost of their services. This should cover everything from data sourcing, creative designing, printing, personalization, to delivery.

  • What is Their Approach to Testing?

Every direct mail campaign should be treated as a controlled experiment. By segmenting your mailing list and testing different versions of your mailer, you can optimize your campaign for maximum effectiveness. Does the company have a structured approach to testing?

  • How Robust Are Their Tracking and Reporting Mechanisms?

The ability to track the results of your campaign is non-negotiable. The company should provide comprehensive reports on delivery, response rates, conversion rates, and ROI.

  • How Strong are Their Relationships with Postal Services?

A direct mail company's relationship with postal services can influence delivery times and costs. Companies with strong relationships can often negotiate bulk postage rates and expedited delivery.

  • How Will They Protect Your Data?

Your data is a crucial business asset. The direct mail company you choose should have stringent data security measures and practices in place. They should be fully compliant with relevant data protection laws and regulations.

  • How Do They Handle Mistakes?

In a perfect world, your direct mail campaign would proceed without a hiccup. However, mistakes happen. When they do, does the company take responsibility and rectify them promptly, or do they play the blame game?

Choosing a direct mail company is an exercise in calculated scrutiny. It's not just about their ability to deliver your mail - it's about their approach to your business, their understanding of your audience, their ability to think creatively and analytically, and their commitment to transparency and integrity. By asking these 12 essential questions, you'll be well-positioned to make an informed, enlightened choice.

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